Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Y2O2S∶Eu3+,Ti Long-lasting Phosphorescen Material by Coprecipitation
贺干武 暨南大学化学系广州 510632
邵阳学院生物与化学工程系邵阳 422000 
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
张俊文 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
关键词: 长余辉发光  共沉淀法  纳米晶  缺陷
Abstract: The long-lasting phosphorescent materials, yttrium oxysulfides doped by Eu and Ti, were systhesized by coprecipitation with their subsequent thermal decomposition in the presence of sulphur. The products were characterized by XRD, TEM, phosphorescent spectra, and thermoluminescence. The XRD results indicate that the lowest synthesis temperature is 700 ℃. From the TEM, the average diameter of particles was in the range of 60~120 nm, and augmented with the increase of temperature. The materials under UV excitation presented well afterglow from the transition of 5D0,17FJ of Eu3+, and the persistent time was about 2 h. The long-lasting afterglow mechanism was discussed, too.
Keywords: long-lasting phosphorescence  coprecipitation method  nanocrystalline  trap
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