Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of Composite Cathode La1.6Sr0.4NiO4-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.9 for IT-SOFC
李强 哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与工程学院哈尔滨 150080
黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料省高校重点实验室哈尔滨 150080 
范勇 哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与工程学院哈尔滨 150080 
孙丽萍 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料省高校重点实验室哈尔滨 150080 
赵辉 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料省高校重点实验室哈尔滨 150080 
霍丽华 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料省高校重点实验室哈尔滨 150080 
高山 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料省高校重点实验室哈尔滨 150080 
Jean-ClaudeGrenier 法国国家科研中心波尔多凝聚态材料化学研究所,帕萨克 33608法国 
关键词: 中温固体氧化物燃料电池  复合阴极  LSN-CGO
Abstract: Composite cathodes consisting of -La1.6Sr0.4NiO4(LSN) and -Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.9(CGO) has been prepared for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (IT-SOFC). The chemical stability, microstructures and electrochemical performance of the cathode have been investigated using XRD, SEM and AC impedance spectroscopy. Results showed that strong bonding was formed between the composite electrodes and CGO electrolytes after the electrodes were fired at 1 050 ℃ for 4 hours. The polarization resistance changed with oxygen partial pressure, suggesting that charge transfer process was the rate limiting step for electrochemical oxygen reduction at the composite cathodes. Area specific resistance (ASR) for a LSN-40CGO composite cathode was 0.76 Ω·cm2 at 700 ℃, which was four times lower than that of a pure LSN cathode. 1.7% decrease of the cathode current density was observed in the stability test of the composite cathode.
Keywords: intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (IT-SOFC)  composite cathode  LSN-CGO
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