Synthesis and Electronic Characterization of Organic-tungsten Oxide Hybrid Systems
王炳山 上海大学理学院化学系上海 200444 
董晓雯 上海大学理学院化学系上海 200444 
潘庆谊 上海大学理学院化学系上海 200444 
程知萱 上海大学理学院化学系上海 200444 
摘要: W2O6·H2O /一元烷基胺复合物[(CnH2n+1NH2n=4、8、12、16)嵌入层状氧化钨W2O6·H2O] 的XRD、IR、TG-DSC分析表明:烷基胺CnH2n+1NH2能基于质子加合的机制嵌入W2O6·H2O层间,且插层复合物之间烷基胺的插入与抽出是个可逆过程;烷基胺嵌入层间后以全反式构象双层排布,层间距d随烷基胺碳原子数的增加而线性增长,烷基链与层板的夹角为71.6°。插层复合物UV-Vis分析发现,各种复合物的禁带宽度相对半导体氧化钨的禁带宽度变宽了很多,这表明可以通过嵌入不同的物质来调节氧化钨层与层之间的电子传递能力。
关键词: 层状复合材料  W2O6·H2O(H2W2O7)  一元烷基胺  禁带宽度
Abstract: Intercalation behavior of n-alkylamines into layered W2O6·H2O has been investigated. W2O6·H2O can accommodate n-alkylamines(CnH2n+1NH2,n=4,8,12,16)to form intercalation compounds via an acid-base mechanism, and reversible intercalation and deintercalation behavior was observed among DAn(where DAn represents intercalation compounds of W2O6·H2O/CnH2n+1NH2, and DA4, DA8, DA12, DA16 denote W2O6·H2O/C4H9NH2, W2O6·H2O/C8H17NH2, W2O6·H2O/C12H25NH2, and W2O6·H2O/C16H33NH2, respectively). The intercalation compounds were characterized by XRD, IR, SEM as well as TG-DSC. The results show that the interlayer distance of intercalation compounds increases with the increase in the number of carbon atoms in the n-alkyl chain, and n-alkylamines exhibit a bilayer arrangement in the interlayer space with a tilt angle of 71.6°. The intercalation of n-alkylamines (CnH2n+1NH2, n=4, 8, 12, 16) into W2O6·H2O also appears to increase the band-gap energy (Eg) as compared with W2O6·H2O or WO3, but no difference in Eg was observed among DAn, indicating that the oxide layers are electronically decoupled.
Keywords: layered hybrid materials  W2O6·H2O(H2W2O7)  n-Alkylamines  energy band-gap
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