Preparation and Characterization of Water-soluble Iron-sulfur Cluster Nanoparticles
彭淑鸽 河南科技大学高分子与纳米材料重点实验室洛阳 471003 
张兴堂 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
张玉清 河南科技大学高分子与纳米材料重点实验室洛阳 471003 
黄亚彬 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
杜祖亮 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
关键词: 铁硫簇纳米粒子  柠檬酸钠  稳定剂
Abstract: Water-solube iron-sulfur cluster nanoparticles were synthesized by using tri-sodium citrate as a stabilizer. The effect of factors such as the amount of reactants, the type of reactants, pH value, dripping order was studied on the formation of iron-sulfur cluster nanoparticles. The structure, photo- and electro- chemical performance were characterized by UV-Vis, Raman, TEM, ED, EDS and Cyclic Voltammetry were used to characterize the structure and properties. The UV-Vis peaks at 436, 532 and 636 nm are attributed to the characteristic peaks of [4Fe-4S]+ and [2Fe-2S]2+. The Raman results indicate that citrate anions have been adsorbed on the surface of iron-sulfur cluster nanoparticles. TEM image shows the particles are about 5 nm, and EDS result further proves that iron-sulfur cluster coated by tri-sodium citrate has been obtained. Cyclic Voltammetry result demonstrates that iron-sulfur cluster has similar electrochemical property to that in organism.
Keywords: iron-sulfur cluster nanoparticles  tri-sodium citrate  stabilizer
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