Electrochemical Behavior of Gold Electrode Modified Densely with Self-assembled Monolayer of Ferrocenylalkanethiol
周密 南京大学化学化工学院生命分析化学教育部重点实验室南京 210093 
朱俊杰 南京大学化学化工学院生命分析化学教育部重点实验室南京 210093 
赵健伟 南京大学化学化工学院生命分析化学教育部重点实验室南京 210093 
摘要: 合成了11-二茂铁基十一烷基-1-硫醇(HS-(CH2)11-Fc),利用自组装膜的特点,通过分子设计将二茂铁基团引入到自组装膜中。在金电极表面构筑有序单分子膜,制备出具有电化学活性的修饰层,研究其电化学行为,作为考察复杂电化学动力学的理想模型。进一步探究其电子传递的特点与自组装膜表面覆盖度之间的联系,提出了一种新的电子传递模型,研究电子转移与膜结构的对应关系,为更深层次的分子设计和功能组装提供理论指导。
关键词: 单分子自组装膜  巯基二茂铁  电化学行为
Abstract: The electrochemical behavior of a dense self-assembled monolayer of 11-ferroceneundecane-1-thiol was studied. Adsorption of ferrocene-terminated alkanethiol on gold electrode yields stable, electroactive, dense self-assembled monolayers, providing an ideal system for disentangling the fundamental events in interfacial electron transfer. On the basis of the sharp oxidation and reduction peaks corresponding to 11-ferroceneundecane-1-thiol, and the full width at half maximum narrower than statistical calculation value, we propose that there are two kinds of electron transfer. One is the electron transfer through methylene groups corresponding to the sharp oxidation and reduction peaks, the other is the electron transfer between the ferrocene molecules corresponding to the broad oxidation and reduction peaks.
Keywords: self-assembled monolayer  ferrocenylalkanethiol  electrochemistry behaviour
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