Chemical Behavior of Topology and Its Application to QSPR of Lanthanide and Actinide
周丛艺 南华大学化学化工学院衡阳 421001 
聂长明 南华大学化学化工学院衡阳 421001
早稻田大学理工研究生院东京 169-8555日本 
李珊 南华大学化学化工学院衡阳 421001 
文松年 南华大学化学化工学院衡阳 421001 
彭国文 南华大学化学化工学院衡阳 421001 
李忠海 中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院长沙 410004 
摘要: 提出拓扑化学行为概念,把对化合物性质最具影响力的因素归纳为拓扑生长力和拓扑阻滞力。根据该原理,利用价电子轨道能量对价电子距离矩阵进行修正。研究表明OET(轨道能量拓扑指数)对镧系元素和锕系元素的物理化学性质具有良好的应用,尤其是对尚未借助QSPR(定量结构性质关系)手段进行研究的光谱性质。LOO CV(留一法交叉检验)的结果验证了模型的良好稳定性和预测能力,采用的检验参数有:PRESS/SSY,SEPCVRCVSPRESS 和PSE,其中PRESS/SSY比值介于0.000 6和0.114 8之间。与文献进行比较,本文方法所得结果与之接近或更好。研究显示正是基于拓扑化学行为才有本文方法良好和较广的应用。
关键词: 拓扑化学行为  价电子  QSPR  镧系元素  锕系元素
Abstract: We introduce the chemical behavior of topology for the first time which consists of the topological growing power and the topological blocking power. On the basis of the principle, the OET (orbital-energy topological index) was proposed by revising the valence electron distance matrix with the orbital energy. The results demonstrate that OET has good application to the physicochemical properties of lanthanide and actinide, especially to the spectral properties which have not been reported by means of QSPR (quantitative structure-property relationships). The results of LOO CV (leave-one-out cross-validation) verify the good stability and predictive ability of the models using the cross-validation parameters: PRESS/SSY, SEPCVRCVSPRESS and PSE with the PRESS/SSY ratio ranging between 0.000 6 and 0.114 8. Compared with the other methods, this work provides an easier way yielding results close to or better than the others. It is on the basis of the chemical behavior of topology that leads to the good and wide application of this method.
Keywords: chemical behavior of topology  valence electron  QSPR  lanthanide  actinide
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