Effect of Vanadium Content on Structure and Optical Properties of Doped ZnO
阮宜斌 郑州大学物理工程学院教育部材料物理重点实验室郑州 450052 
孟立建 郑州大学物理工程学院教育部材料物理重点实验室郑州 450052
Departamento de Física, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 431, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal 
梁二军 郑州大学物理工程学院教育部材料物理重点实验室郑州 450052 
关键词: ZnO薄膜  V掺杂  直流反应共溅射  光学性质
Abstract: Vanadium-doped zinc oxide thin films with preferred c-axis orientation were deposited on glass substrates by DC-reactive co-sputtering. The deposited films were characterized by SEM, EDS, XRD and optical transmittance spectrum. The effect of V doping on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films was studied. It is found that the sample has a highly c-axis orientation and a comparatively good crystallization with lower mass percentage of vanadium doping. All the V-dopped ZnO thin films are in compressive stress condition and compression stress increases as vanadium content is increased. Refractive index n is lowered firstly and then increased, while extinction coefficient k has a trend of rising, and optical band gap rises a little bit firstly and then diminishes obviously when vanadium content is increased.
Keywords: ZnO thin films  V-doped  DC reactive co-sputtering  optical property
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