Effect of Polymer on Morphology of PZT Nanowhiskers
杨小勤 天津工业大学材料化工学院天津 300160 
赵永男 天津工业大学材料化工学院天津 300160 
杨扬 天津工业大学材料化工学院天津 300160 
摘要: 本工作以(C4H9O)4Ti、Pb(NO3)2和ZrOCl2·8H2O为主要原料,采用改进的水热方法合成了锆钛酸铅(PZT)纳米晶须,并考察了聚合物对锆钛酸铅晶体形貌的影响。结果表明,聚合物对于控制晶体的取向生长起着关键性作用。另外还初步探讨了不同浓度以及不同聚合物对晶体形貌的影响机理,认为聚合物起着覆盖和螯合的作用,进而影响晶体的取向生长趋势,形成纳米线。
关键词: 水热合成  PZT纳米晶须  聚合物
Abstract: PZT nanowhiskers was hydrothermally synthesized by using (C4H9O)4Ti, Pb(NO3)2 and ZrOCl2·8H2O as raw materia1s. The effect of the polymer on the morphology of PZT whiskers was also studied. The results show that the polymer play a key role in controlling the orientation growth of crystals. The mechanism of the influence of the polymer on the whisker was discussed. It is suggested that the polymer serves as chelating ligand and capping reagent, leading to orientation growth and promoting the formation of nanowires.
Keywords: hydrothermal synthesis  PZT nanowhisker  polymer
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