Absorption and Exciton Emission Spectra of Nanocrystalline Titanium Dioxide Thin Films
孙振范 海南师范学院化学系海口 571158 
李玉光 中山大学化学与化学工程学院广州 510275 
摘要: 由TiO2反胶束溶胶制备一系列TiO2纳米晶薄膜,对膜的吸收光谱和激发发射光谱研究表明制备的膜存在有二种模式的跃迁,直接跃迁和间接跃迁。由于厚膜中存在较强的表面相互作用,厚膜的直接跃迁禁带宽与薄膜相比发生了红移。在不同陈化时间,浸渍相同次数制得的膜具有相同的直接跃迁禁带宽。除浸渍一次的膜不存在间接跃迁外,所有的膜具有相同的间接跃迁禁带宽。所有的膜具有几乎相同的发射光谱模式。
关键词: TiO2纳米晶薄膜  禁带宽  光致发射光谱
Abstract: A series of TiO2 nanocrystalline thin films were fabricated by using dip coating method from TiO2 reverse micelle solution. The studies on absorption and exciton emission spectra showed that both the indirect and direct transition exist in these TiO2 nanocrystalline thin films. A thick film has a red shift of direct transition bandgap than thin films due to the strong interface interaction. The films made at different aging time with same dip times have the same direct transition bandgaps. All the films have the same indirect transition bandgap, but those with one time dip have no indirect transition. All the films have almost the same patterns of photoluminescence spectra.
Keywords: TiO2 nanocrystalline thin film  bandgap  photoluminescence spectra
摘要点击次数:  1964
全文下载次数:  2021
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