Abstract: Azido-bridged metal complexes have received much attention in the field of molecular-based magnetic materials because of their remarkable structural diversity and rich magnetic behavior. The azido-bridged copper(Ⅱ), manganese(Ⅱ), nickel(Ⅱ) and cobalt(Ⅱ) complexes have been studied extensively, and various structural and magnetic properties have been investigated. The azido anion is a versatile ligand which can link transition metal ions in different coordination modes. It has been widely accepted that the exchange is, with some exceptions, generally ferromagnetic in nature for the end-on ( μ-1,1, EO) mode, and antiferromagnetic for the end-to-end ( μ-1,3, EE) mode. In addition, the exchange between the transition metal ions is usually dependent upon the coordination geometries of the metal ions. Based on the literatures and our work, the structure and magnetism of azido-bridged complexes are generally presented. The perspective for future development in this field is also briefly mentioned. |