Photoelectrochemical Study of Nanostructured TiO2 Composite Film Modified by PbS Quantum Dots
郝彦忠 河北科技大学理学院石家庄 050018 
王伟 河北科技大学理学院石家庄 050018 
摘要: 用光电流作用谱、光电流-电势图等光电化学方法研究了ITO(铟锡氧化物导电玻璃)/TiO2 /Q-PbS(量子点PbS)膜电极的光电转换性质。结果表明,由于量子尺寸的效应,在膜电极制备中,随着ITO/TiO2电极在饱和Pb(CH3COO)2溶液中浸泡时间的不同,所制备的Q-PbS颗粒大小不同,禁带宽度随着浸泡时间的增大而减小,浸泡时间为40 s、在80 ℃烘干下制备的Q-PbS的禁带宽度为1.68 eV,其价带位置为-5.072 eV。Q-PbS修饰ITO/TiO2电极可使光电流发生明显的红移,从而提高宽禁带半导体的光电转换效率。
关键词: 量子点PbS  TiO2/Q-PbS电极  光电化学
Abstract: The photon-current conversion properties of nanostructured TiO2/Q-PbS film electrode were studied by using the photocurrent action spectra and the photocurrent dependence of potential. Because of quantum size effect, different particle sizes were obtained for Q-PbS prepared by dipping in saturated Pb(CH3COO)2 solution with different time. The bandgap of Q-PbS film was decreased along with prolongation of dipping time. The bandgap of Q-PbS particles was 1.68 eV when prepared at the drying temperature of 80 ℃ and with the immersion time of 40 s. The diagram of energy level of Q-PbS film was determined with the photocurrent-potential curves and photoelectrochemical method. The conduction band of Q-PbS film was -5.072 eV. The nanostructured TiO2/ Q-PbS film electrode could enlarge the visible optical absorption region and obviously increase the photocurrent in visible region. The photon-electron conversion efficiency could be improved.
Keywords: PbS quantum dots  TiO2/Q-PbS electrode  photoelectrochemistry
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