Sintering of Tin Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method
张建荣 华东理工大学化学系上海 200237 
高濂 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所上海 200050 
顾立新 江苏河海纳米科技股份有限公司泰兴 225400 
摘要: 采用水热合成法合成得到了高纯度氧化锡基纳米粉体材料,以XRD、BET、TEM等手段对合成得到的粉体进行了表征,粉体的晶粒尺寸大小为10~20 nm,分散性能良好。采用无压烧结技术对粉体进行了烧结研究。结果表明,氧化锡粉体粒径的减小提高了粉体烧结活性,烧结助剂Ni离子的加入大大促进了SnO2的烧结,当Ni离子掺杂为1at%时,SnO2陶瓷的烧结相对密度最高可达98.6%。
关键词: 氧化锡  纳米粉体  烧结
Abstract: SnO2-based and nickel-doped nanoparticles were synthesized by hydrothermal method and characterized by XRD, BET, TEM. The crystallite size of the nanoparticles are about 10 to 20 nm, and nanoparticles were densified by pressureless sintering at high temperatures. The results reveal that the dopping of Ni2+ ions greatly increases the relative density of the SnO2 ceramics and the highest relative density was 98.6% when sintering temperature was 1 100 ℃ for 1at% Ni doping sample.
Keywords: tin oxide  nanoparticle  sintering
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