Effects of Solution Acidity and Reaction Temperature on Electrochemical Preparation of CaMoO4 Thin Films
毕剑 四川大学材料科学与工程学院成都 610064
四川师范大学化学与材料科学学院成都 610066 
余萍 四川大学材料科学与工程学院成都 610064 
高道江 四川师范大学化学与材料科学学院成都 610066 
陈连平 四川大学材料科学与工程学院成都 610064 
杨祖念 四川大学材料科学与工程学院成都 610064 
肖定全 四川大学材料科学与工程学院成都 610064 
摘要: 本工作研究了恒电流电化学技术制备CaMoO4薄膜工艺中,溶液酸度和反应温度对薄膜形成的影响。结果表明,酸度会影响薄膜的生长时间和光致发光特性,在较低酸度沉积薄膜时,容易造成薄膜的团簇生长和不确定相的形成;适当升高反应温度会加快晶粒的生长、提高薄膜的纯度、增加薄膜发射光谱的相对强度。在CaMoO4薄膜电化学制备工艺中,溶液pH值控制在12.0附近和反应温度控制在60 ℃的左右比较好。
关键词: CaMoO4  薄膜  电化学技术  溶液酸度  反应温度
Abstract: The effects of solution acidity and reaction temperature on the formation of CaMoO4 thin films were studied under constant current density process. The solution acidity could affect the growth time and photoluminescence of as-prepared CaMoO4 thin films, and low solution acidity could cause the formation of clusters and the appearance of uncertain phases. When the reaction temperature was raised appropriately, the growth of CaMoO4 grain would be accelerated, the purity of as-prepared CaMoO4 thin films be improved and the relative intensity of emission spectra of as-prepared films be increased. The optimized pH value and reaction temperature were found to be 12.0 and 60 ℃, respectively, for the preparation of well crystallized and high purity CaMoO4 polycrystalline thin films.
Keywords: CaMoO4  thin films  electrochemical technique  solution acidity  reaction temperature
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