Synthesis, Structure and Luminescent Property of a Three-dimensional Framework of Ag(Ⅰ) with 4-pyridinecarboxylate
卢文贯 韶关学院化学系韶关 512005 
顾金忠 中山大学化学与化学工程学院中山大学测试中心广州 510275 
姜隆 中山大学化学与化学工程学院中山大学测试中心广州 510275 
苏成勇 中山大学化学与化学工程学院中山大学测试中心广州 510275 
鲁统部 中山大学化学与化学工程学院中山大学测试中心广州 510275 
摘要: 以1∶2物质的量之比的Ag2O和Hpyca (异烟酸)为原料,在水热条件下得到了一个新颖的三维配位聚合物[Ag(pyca)]n·nH2O (1)。单晶X-射线结构分析表明,1晶体属于单斜晶系,P21/c空间群,1的空间堆积在沿a轴方向形成了大小为0.66 nm × 0.84 nm的方形孔洞。1的固体室温荧光测试结果表明,在波长为469 nm的光激发下于524 nm处出现强烈的荧光发射。
关键词: 水热合成  银(Ⅰ)配位聚合物  三维骨架  荧光性质
Abstract: The reaction of 4-pyridinecarboxylic acid (Hpyca) and Ag2O under hydrothermal condition with 1:1 metal/ligand mole ratio leads to a three-dimensional framework of [Ag(pyca)]n·nH2O (1) with one-dimensional open square channels along the a axis. X-ray single crystal structural analysis reveals that its crystallizes in monoclinic, space group P21/c with a=0.369 34(5), b=1.217 83(17), c=1.523 9(2) nm, β=90.100(2)°, V=0.685 44(16) nm3, Z=4, Dc=2.403 g·cm-3, F(000)=480, the final R1=0.038 9 and wR2=0.087 5 for 1 212 observed reflections with I≥2σ(I). The fluorescence spectrum of the coordination polymer exhibits intense emission at 524 nm when excited at 469 nm in solid state at room temperature. CCDC: 619217.
Keywords: hydrothermal synthesis  Ag(Ⅰ) coordination polymer  three-dimensional framework  fluorescent property
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