Effect of Particle Size on Kinetic Parameters of Heterogeneous Reactions
薛永强 太原理工大学应用化学系太原 030024 
赵红 太原理工大学应用化学系太原 030024 
杜建平 太原理工大学应用化学系太原 030024 
摘要: 本文提出了纳米体系多相反应动力学活化能的模型,并以纳米氧化铜与硫酸氢钠溶液的反应为体系,研究了反应物粒度对动力学参数的影响规律,讨论了表观活化能降低的原因。结果表明:反应物粒度对多相反应的反应级数、速率常数、表观活化能和指前因子均有较大的影响;随着反应物粒径的减小,表观活化能和指前因子减小,而反应级数和速率常数增大,并且速率常数和表观活化能与反应物粒径的倒数呈线性关系;这些影响规律与理论模型是一致的。另外,还发现反应物粒度是通过摩尔表面积、摩尔表面能和摩尔表面熵影响多相反应的动力学参数的。
关键词: 纳米粒子  氧化铜  多相反应  速率常数  活化能  反应级数  指前因子  动力学
Abstract: The Effect of particle sizes on kinetic parameters was studied by the reaction of Nano-CuO with the solution of sodium bisulfate and the cause for the decrease in the apparent activation energy is discussed in this paper. The results show that there are obvious effect of the size on the reaction order, the rate constant, the activation energy and the pre-exponential factor, that with the particle size decreasing, the rate constant and the reaction order increase, the pre-exponential factor and the apparent activation energy decrease, that there is a linear relation between the apparent activation energy and the reciprocal of the size, and that there are influences of the reactant size on kinetic parameters of a heterogeneous reaction by the three aspects of the mole surface area, the mole surface energy and the mole surface entropy.
Keywords: nanoparticle  CuO  heterogeneous reaction  rate constant  activation energy  reaction order  pre-exponential factor  kinetics
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