Preparation and Characterization of Nano-crystalline MgNb2O6 Microwave Dielectric Powder
王伟 浙江大学纳米科学与技术中心杭州 310027 
张启龙 浙江大学纳米科学与技术中心杭州 310027 
王焕平 浙江大学纳米科学与技术中心杭州 310027 
杨辉 浙江大学纳米科学与技术中心杭州 310027 
关键词: MgNb2O6  凝胶燃烧工艺  纳米粉体
Abstract: Nano-crystalline MgNb2O6 was prepared using Mg(NO3)2·6H2O, Nb2O5, HF and citric acid as raw materials by auto-ignition route. The process involves the formation of a viscous gel by thermal dehydration of the citrate-nitrate solution at about 80 ℃. The auto-ignition (at about 200 ℃) of the gel resulted in a high reactivity powder containing intimate blending of MgNbF7 and NbF3. The crystalline phase of MgNb2O6 could be formed easily at 700 ℃, which is 400 ℃ lower than that of common solid-state reaction process. The nano-crystalline MgNb2O6 (~30 nm) powder with good dispersity could be obtained at 850 ℃.
Keywords: MgNb2O6  gel combustion process  nanometer powders
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