Properties and Coating Effect of Nano-powder of Ce-Mn-O for VOCs Catalysts
陈敏 浙江大学化学系杭州 310028 
施春苗 浙江大学化学系杭州 310028 
郑小明 浙江大学化学系杭州 310028 
摘要: 合成了Ce-Mn-O系列纳米粉体,并采用XRD、TEM和TPR等方法对合成的Ce-Mn-O纳米粉体的微观结构和还原性能进行了研究。考察了该纳米粉体用于蜂窝陶瓷催化剂涂层后对催化消除挥发性有机物(Volatile organic compounds,VOCs)反应性能的影响。结果显示,Mn的引入对提高CeO2的还原性能有利。在0.1% PdO/Al2O3/菁青石蜂窝催化剂上采用该Ce-Mn-O纳米粉体涂层后,对甲苯,丙酮,乙酸乙酯的T98温度(VOCs催化燃烧反应的转化率达到98%时的温度)分别为200 ℃,220 ℃和220 ℃,显著地提高了原有催化剂的活性。同时,采用纳米粉体改性后的催化剂可大大降低贵金属含量,在Pd含量0.01%~0.05%范围内也可保持较高的催化氧化VOCs的能力。
关键词: Ce-Mn-O  纳米材料  VOCs净化  涂层效应
Abstract: A new nano-material of Ce-Mn-O mixed oxide was synthesized by a macromolecular surfactant modification method. The microstructure and redox behaviour of these nano-materials were characterized by means of XRD, TEM and H2-TPR. The catalytic activity of a series of PdO / Ce0.5Mn0.5O1.5/ Al2O3/ cordierite catalysts in the total oxidation of toluene, acetone, and acetic acid were investigated. The results indicate that a high catalytic avtivity can be obtained when Ce-Mn-O is used as coating material and the T98 (temperatures at which VOCs conversion reaches 98%) of toluene, acetone and ethyl acetate were at 200 ℃, 220 ℃ and 220 ℃. In addition, lower PdO loading of 0.01%~0.05% was another advantage for PdO / Ce0.5Mn0.5O1.5/ Al2O3/ cordierite catalysts, which is attributed to the presence of Ce-Mn-O mixed oxide as a coating material.
Keywords: Ce-Mn-O  nanosized material  VOCs eliminate  coating effect
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