Fabrication and Characterization of a New Pitch-based ACNT/C Nanocomposites
李志 清华大学机械工程系清华大学先进成形制造重点实验室北京 100084 
巩前明 清华大学机械工程系清华大学先进成形制造重点实验室北京 100084 
张正宜 清华大学机械工程系清华大学先进成形制造重点实验室北京 100084 
梁吉 清华大学机械工程系清华大学先进成形制造重点实验室北京 100084 
黄启忠 中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室长沙 410083 
黄伯云 中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室长沙 410083 
摘要: 以超长定向碳纳米管(ACNTs)阵列为骨架,中温煤焦油沥青为浸渍剂,采用浸渍-炭化工艺经过一个循环制备了密度约为1.25 g·cm-3的沥青基定向碳纳米管/炭(ACNT/C)纳米复合材料。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、偏光金相显微镜(PLM)、X射线衍射(XRD)和Raman光谱分析对这种新型纳米炭材料进行了表征。结果表明ACNT/C中沥青炭为明显的各向异性组织,以碳纳米管为核心形成了非常细密的流线型层片结构,具有较高的晶化程度。采用热失重分析(TGA)方法考察了材料在空气中的热稳定性能,发现ACNT/C纳米复合材料在空气中的热失重初始温度比相同工艺条件下,以炭纤维为骨架制备的密度相近的炭/炭(C/C)复合材料提高了50 ℃左右。
关键词: 定向碳纳米管  沥青  C/C复合材料  纳米复合材料
Abstract: With long aligned carbon nanotubes (ACNTs) array prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method as reinforcements, and middle-temperature coal-tar pitch as matrix precursor, pitch-based aligned carbon nanotube/carbon (ACNT/C) nanocomposites were fabricated with traditional high-pressure impregnation-carbonization technology. The new nanocomposites (about 1.25 g·cm-3 after one cycle) have been characterized by SEM, PLM, XRD, Raman and TGA. The PLM micrographs show that matrix pitch carbon has order orientation with typical anisotropic structure. The SEM micrographs reveal that pitch carbon grown surround carbon nanotube appears the flowing characteristics. The grain of the flow structure in ACNT/C nanocomposites is denser and neater than that in C/C composites prepared by the same process, which indicates a higher orientation degree of basal planes of the carbon in ACNT/C. XRD and Raman analysis also prove that ACNT/C nanocomposites hold better microstructure and crystallization. TGA results demonstrate that the initial weight loss temperature of ACNT/C nanocomposites is about 50 ℃ higher than that of C/C composites.
Keywords: aligned carbon nanotubes  coal-tar pitch  carbon/carbon composites  nanocomposites
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