Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Mn(Ⅱ)/Co(Ⅱ)-dicyanamide-4-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)aniline Ternary Complexs
郑凌玲 中山大学化学与化学工程学院广州 510275 
谭成康 中山大学化学与化学工程学院广州 510275 
童明良 中山大学化学与化学工程学院广州 510275 
摘要: 以二氰胺钠[Na(dca)]和4-(1-咪唑基)苯胺(L)为共配体分别与锰盐和钴盐反应合成了2种新的配合物:零维[Mn(L)2(dca)2(H2O)2] (1)和二维[Co(L)2(dca)](dca)0.5(ClO4)0.5·1.5H2O·MeOH (2)。通过元素分析、红外光谱和X射线单晶衍射对其进行了表征。配合物1属于三斜晶系,P1空间群。配合物2晶体属于正交晶系,Cmcm空间群。配合物1是1个中心对称的单核结构,锰(Ⅱ)离子与分别来自2个dca和2个L配体的4个氮原子以及2个水分子配位,形成八面体配位几何,L和dca均为单齿配位;配合物2是由混合桥dca和L组装成的二维配位聚合物网状结构,相邻的二维网以面对面方式堆积,沿c轴方向形成一维孔道,里面填充着未配位的反离子和溶剂分子。
关键词: 4-(1-咪唑基)苯胺  二氰胺  锰(Ⅱ)  钴(Ⅱ)
Abstract: Reactions of sodium dicyanamide (Na(dca)) and 4-(1H-Imidazol-1-yl)aniline (L) with MnCl2·4H2O or CoCl2·6H2O generate two new complexes, 0D [Mn(L)2(dca)2(H2O)2] (1) and 2D coordination polymer of [Co(L)2(dca)](dca)0.5(ClO4)0.5·1.5H2O·MeOH (2), which were characterized by elemental analysis and IR. X-ray crystal strucatural analyses show that 1 crystallizes in triclinic space group P1, 2 crystallizes in orthorhombic space group Cmcm. In complex 1, both L and dca ligands coordinated to Mn(Ⅱ) are in monodentate mode, while in 2, both dca and L ligands act in μ2 bridges to connect Co(Ⅱ) ions. 2 is a 2D coordination layer with two types of cavities, adjacent layers stack each other in a face-to-face fashion to generate a 3D microporous supramolecular architecture with 1D channels along the c-axis, which are occupied by the counterions and solvates. CCDC: 609591, 1; 609592, 2.
Keywords: 4-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)aniline  dicyanamide  manganese(Ⅱ)  cobalt(Ⅱ)
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