Abstract: The N/TiO2 was prepared by wet hydrolyzation method. The photocatalytic decomposition of benzoic acid solution was carried out under simulated sun light; the photocatalytic activity was 2.47 times of TiO2. The products were characterized by XRD, SPS, EFISPS and XPS, respectively. The results of XRD showed that the N could restrain the crystallization transformation of TiO2 from anatase to rutile. The N/TiO2 was still n-type semiconductor, and the absorbance wavelength appeared red-shifted by N-doping. The band gap of N/TiO2 was decreased to 2.7 eV. The amount of doped-N is about 0.94at.%. The binding energy of N1s are 396.62 eV (Ti-N bonds, β-N) and 400.87 eV (N-N bonds, γ-N2), respectively, and the photocatalytic activity of N/TiO2 under visible light is related to the β-N. The N atoms replace the O of the TiO2 and form the Ti-N bonding. |