Preparation of Pseudoboehmite from Hydrothermally Supersaturated Sodium Aluminate Solution with SB Seed
蔡卫权 武汉理工大学化工学院武汉 430070 
李会泉 中国科学院过程工程研究所北京 100080 
张懿 中国科学院过程工程研究所北京 100080 
关键词: SB粉  铝酸钠溶液  种分  拟薄水铝石
Abstract: A novel hydrothermal process for preparation of single-phase pseudoboehmite from supersaturated sodium aluminate solution with SB pseudoboehmite seed was presented. The process is characterized by precipitation for 3 h at temperature around 125 ℃ with a seed ratio of 1.0. Precipitation yield of Al2O3 over 20% could be reached and the specific surface area of precipitated products almost as high as SB seed could be obtained. The process suitable for preparing pseudoboehmite with any pseudoboehmite seed in principle comprises a highly variation of the current Bayer process and the latest boehmite process for the production of smelter grade alumina.
Keywords: SB pseudoboehmite  sodium aluminate solution  seed precipitation  pseudoboehmite
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