A DFT Study on the Chemisorption of NO on Cu2O(111) Surface
孙宝珍 福州大学化学系福州 350002 
陈文凯 福州大学化学系福州 350002 
刘书红 福州大学化学系福州 350002 
曹梅娟 福州大学化学系福州 350002 
陆春海 成都理工大学核技术与自动化工程学院成都 610059 
许莹 福州大学化学系福州 350002 
摘要: 运用广义梯度密度泛函理论(GGA)的PBE方法结合周期平板模型,在DND基组下,研究了NO以N端和O端两种吸附取向在Cu2O(111)非极性表面上的吸附。通过对不同吸附位置的吸附能和几何构型参数的计算和比较发现:表面上配位不饱和的铜离子(CuCUS)为活性吸附位;NO的N端吸附比O端吸附更为有利,N端吸附时吸附能可达到113.5 kJ·mol-1,而O端情况下只有39.7 kJ·mol-1;NO倾斜吸附在Cu2O(111)表面上,O端吸附时倾斜度更大。在两种吸附取向情况下,N-O键的伸缩振动频率都发生了较大的红移,N端吸附情况下红移150 cm-1,O端时红移330 cm-1。前线轨道分析表明,Cu与NO间的吸附作用主要是Cu的d轨道和NO的π*轨道间的相互作用。表面弛豫的计算表明,Cu2O(111)面的弛豫对O端吸附方式产生较大影响,考虑表面弛豫时O端吸附为很弱的化学吸附(吸附能为39.7 kJ·mol-1),而没有考虑弛豫时吸附能为60.5 kJ·mol-1
关键词: 密度泛函理论  周期平板模型  NO  吸附  Cu2O(111)非极性表面
Abstract: The adsorption of NO molecule on Cu2O(111) non-polar surface has been studied with periodic slab model by Perdew-Burke-Ernzerh approach of GGA within the framework of density functional theory. Two molecular orientations, N- and O-down, over different adsorption sites, CuCUS, CuCSA, OSUF and OSUB of the Cu2O(111) surface have been considered. The optimized results indicate that the N-down adsorption models are sable than the O-down ones. The adsorption energy for the N-down mode over CuCUS site is 113.5 kJ·mol-1 while the corresponding value for the latter mode is 39.7 kJ·mol-1. Upon adsorption on the Cu+ cation, the NO molecules forms a bent Cu+-NO bond, and the tilted angles are different at the two orientations. The N-O stretching frequencies for both orientations are significantly red-shifted upon coordination. The frontier molecular orbitals analysis indicates that, for N-down and O-down orientation, the interaction between the adsorbed molecule and the substrate mainly arises from the anti-bonding π orbital of NO and the d orbital of copper atom. Moreover, the relaxation should be considered because of the effects of the geometry of Cu2O(111) surface upon the adsorption geometries and the binding energies of O-down adsorption.
Keywords: density functional theory  periodic slab model  nitrogen oxide  adsorption  Cu2O(111) non-polar surface
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