Electrocatalytic Activity of Ordered Intermetallic PtBi for Formic Acid Electrooxidation
张丽娟 北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院北京 100022 
夏定国 北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院北京 100022 
关键词: PtBi  金属间化合物  甲酸  燃料电池
Abstract: Ordered intermetallic PtBi had been synthesized by arc-melted and then sintering treatment. The electro-oxidation of liquid formic acid on PtBi was investigated at room temperature by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The results are compared to those at a polycrystalline platinum electrode surface. At PtBi surface the onset potential for formic acid oxidation is shifted negatively by over 250 mV and the current density at the PtBi electrode is about ten multiple higher than that of Pt electrode. XRD and XPS technologies had been used to investigate the crystal structure and electron effect. We propose that formic acid decomposition on PtBi favors the reactive intermediate route and is not very much affected by the CO intermediate compared with Pt according to the results of electrochemical test and ex-site FTIR test.
Keywords: PtBi  intermetallic compounds  formic acid  fuel cell
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