Preparation of Highly Dispersed Mg(OH)2 Nano-plates via DoubleInjection-hydrothermal Method
陈志航 清华大学化工系北京 100084
广西大学化工系南宁 530004 
向兰 清华大学化工系北京 100084 
张英才 清华大学化工系北京 100084 
林荣毅 清华大学化工系北京 100084
广西大学化工系南宁 530004 
摘要: 本工作以氯化镁、氢氧化钠为原料,氯化钠为衬底溶液,探讨了采用双注-水热法制备高分散氢氧化镁纳米片的可行性。结果表明:采用双注方式或提高衬底溶液氯化钠浓度均有利于降低反应体系过饱和度,改善常温产物的结晶性和分散性;对常温合成的氢氧化镁进行水热处理可进一步提高产物的结晶度,形成形貌规则、粒径分布窄、分散良好的氢氧化镁纳米片。
关键词: 氢氧化镁  纳米片  分散  双注法  水热技术
Abstract: Dispersive Mg(OH)2 nano-plates were prepared via double injection of MgCl2 and NaOH solutions into the NaCl solution followed with hydrothermal modification. The experimental results indicated that the super-saturation of the reaction system can be maintained at a relatively low level using double-injection method or concentrated NaCl solutions, leading to the improvement of the crystallinity and the dispersion of the Mg(OH)2 formed at room temperature. The crystallinity of the Mg(OH)2 was improved further after hydrothermal treatment, leading to the formation of Mg(OH)2 nano-plates with regular shape, uniform size and perfect dispersion properties.
Keywords: Mg(OH)2  nano-plates  dispersion  double injection  hydrothermal technology
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