Oriented Global Calcite Microcrystal Controlled by BSA Langmuir Film
薛中会 河南大学特种功能材料省重点实验室开封 475001 
戴树玺 河南大学特种功能材料省重点实验室开封 475001 
张兴堂 河南大学特种功能材料省重点实验室开封 475001 
李蕴才 河南大学特种功能材料省重点实验室开封 475001 
黄亚彬 河南大学特种功能材料省重点实验室开封 475001 
杜祖亮 河南大学特种功能材料省重点实验室开封 475001 
摘要: 本文以生物矿化模型系统为基础,利用LB技术,采用本体交换的方法,制备了牛血清白蛋白(BSA)Langmuir膜,以更加接近生物矿化的方法研究了BSA Langmuir膜对碳酸钙晶体生长的取向、形貌和晶型的控制作用。XRD分析表明晶体为碳酸钙的方解石晶型,且晶体仅沿(104)晶面有取向生长。SEM分析表明结晶初期碳酸钙以球状的晶体存在,随着时间的延长,BSA对晶体形貌的控制作用逐渐减弱,直到完全不起作用,在结晶后期形成菱方形晶体,但晶体生长取向和晶型始终没有发生变化。说明BSA Langmuir膜对碳酸钙的生长取向、晶型和形貌有较好的控制作用。
关键词: Langmuir膜  牛血清白蛋白  取向生长  方解石
Abstract: LB (Langmuir-Blodgett) technique was used to prepare the BSA Langmuir film. The influence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the polymorph, morphology and growth orientation of calcium carbonate was studied in the process of the biomineralization. XRD and SEM were used to characterize the polymorph, growth orientation and morphology of the crystal induced by BSA Langmuir film. The results of XRD show that the calcium carbonate initially formed has only one diffraction peak due to the (104) crystal plane of calcite; the calcium carbonate shows two diffraction peaks corresponding to the (104) and (208) crystal planes of calcite with time, indicating a well oriented face and a stable polymorph under the BSA Langmuir film. SEM shows that the calcium carbonate manifests different morphologies at different time. In the beginning of crystallization, the global calcite microcrystal came into being, subsequently, with gradually reduction in the action of BSA, the calcium carbonate change rhombohedral calcite microcrystal from the global microcrystal; in the end, all the crystal manifest rhombohedral shape. All results suggest that BSA Langmuir film can be used as a template to promote the calcium carbonate to form oriented global calcite microcrystal.
Keywords: Langmuir film  bovine serum albumin  oriented growth  calcite
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