二元钠硅酸盐的精细结构和 29Si化学位移的从头计算研究
Ab Initio of Fine Structure and 29Si Chemical Shift of Binary Sodium Silicate
曾昊 上海大学上海市现代冶金与材料制备重点实验室上海 200072 
尤静林 上海大学上海市现代冶金与材料制备重点实验室上海 200072 
陈辉 上海大学上海市现代冶金与材料制备重点实验室上海 200072 
蒋国昌 上海大学上海市现代冶金与材料制备重点实验室上海 200072 
摘要: 本文应用量子化学从头计算方法研究二元钠硅酸盐的精细结构,对典型的系列二元钠硅酸盐团簇模型采用闭壳层Hartree-Fock(RHF)方法和基组6-31G(d)优化构型,并计算了硅酸盐团簇中 29Si核磁共振化学位移δisoSi,用硅氧四面体应力指数这一精细结构参数分析了计算得到的δisoSi数值。同时对 29Si核磁共振化学位移δisoSi的计算值和实验值进行比较,并讨论了两者间在数值上存在的差异。研究表明, 29Si核磁共振化学位移与硅酸盐的精细结构密切相关,这说明硅酸盐的宏观物理和化学性质可能主要依赖于其精细结构而非初级结构单元-硅氧四面体。
关键词: 硅酸盐  精细结构  化学位移  从头计算  四面体应力指数
Abstract: Ab initio calculation method of quantum chemistry was used to optimize several typical model binary sodium silicate clusters under restricted Hartree-Fock method with 6-31G(d) basis sets. 29Si chemical shifts of NMR of those model clusters were also calculated and evaluated with the concept of fine micro-structure. The calculated data were compared with the experimental NMR results and the discrepancy was discussed. It shows that 29Si chemical shift of NMR depends closely on environmental fine micro-structure. It can be inferred that macro physical and chemical properties of silicates might be predominantly determined by fine micro-structure instead of crude SiO4 tetrahedron as primary micro-structure.
Keywords: silicate  fine structure  chemical shift  ab initio  stress index of tetrahedron
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曾昊,尤静林,陈辉,蒋国昌.二元钠硅酸盐的精细结构和 29Si化学位移的从头计算研究[J].无机化学学报,2006,22(6):1023-1027.
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