Different Perferred Orientation CoSb3 Nanowire Arrays Synthesized by Electrodeposition
陈丽婕 河北工业大学材料学院天津 300130 
李养贤 河北工业大学材料学院天津 300130 
陈贵锋 河北工业大学材料学院天津 300130 
刘何燕 河北工业大学材料学院天津 300130 
刘晓旭 中科院物理研究所北京凝聚态物理国家实验室北京 100080 
吴光恒 中科院物理研究所北京凝聚态物理国家实验室北京 100080 
关键词: 纳米线  电沉积  CoSb3
Abstract: CoSb3 nanowire arrays, preferred orientation of [510], were fabricated by electrodeposition of Co2+ and Sb3+ into anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates. The morphologies, structure, and composition of the as-synthesized sample have been performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Based on the previous investigation on CoSb3 nanowire arrays orientated along [420], the formation mechanism for different preferential orientation nanowire arrays was discussed.
Keywords: nanowire  electrodeposition  CoSb3
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