Photoluminescence of LaMgAl11O19∶Eun+(n=2,3) Phosphor Synthesized by Flux Method
徐进章 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院功能与环境材料研究所兰州 730000 
张志华 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院功能与环境材料研究所兰州 730000 
王育华 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院功能与环境材料研究所兰州 730000 
关键词: 助熔剂  UV/VUV  LaMgAl11O19∶Eun+(n=2,3)  荧光粉
Abstract: LaMgAl11O19∶Eun+(n=2,3) was synthesized by solid state reaction using H3BO3 as a flux at 1 400 ℃ for 4 hours. And their luminescent properties was investigated under UV and VUV excitation. Strong pure blue emission due to d-f transition of Eu2+ was observed in LaMgAl11O19∶Eu2+ both in 254 nm and 147 nm excitation. At the same time, red emission due to 5D07FJ (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4) transition of Eu3+ also observed in LaMgAl11O19∶Eu3+. The dependence of emission intensity of blue/red emission on Eu2+ / Eu3+-content was evaluated. The result indicated that the blue emission intensity was arrived optimum when Eu2+-content was 0.10 mol·mol-1under both UV and VUV excitation while red emission intensity reached optimum when Eu3+-content was 0.125 mol·mol-1 under UV excitation. This suggests that LaMgAl11O19∶Eu2+ phosphors could be potential blue phosphor for the application in PDP.
Keywords: flux  UV/VUV  LaMgAl11O19∶Eun+(n=2,3)  phosphor
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