Characterization on the Fine Structures of the Copper Species in the Highly Dispersed CuO/CeO2-Al2O3 Catalysts
罗金勇 天津大学化工学院催化科学与工程系天津 300072 
孟明 天津大学化工学院催化科学与工程系天津 300072 
查宇清 天津大学化工学院催化科学与工程系天津 300072 
贺博 中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室合肥 230029 
韦世强 中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室合肥 230029 
摘要: 采用化学吸附-水解法制备了系列CuO/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂,运用XANES、EXAFS、XRD和H2-TPR等方法对催化剂的结构进行了表征,探讨了不同焙烧温度对催化剂中高分散Cu物种的微观局域结构、分散状态和存在形式的影响,并与样品的CO氧化性能关联。结果表明,500 ℃焙烧样品中Cu物种主要以高分散的CuO微晶形式存在,与载体及CeO2的作用相对较弱;当焙烧温度提高至650 ℃,存在3种铜物种,即与Al
关键词: 化学吸附-水解法  CuO/CeO2-Al2O3催化剂  XANES  EXAFS  CO氧化  结构表征
Abstract: A series of CuO/CeO2-Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by chemisorption-hydrolysis method. The techniques of XANES, EXAFS, XRD and H2-TPR were employed for the structural characterization of the catalysts. The effect of calcination temperature on the fine structures, the dispersion and the existing state of the copper species was investigated carefully. The characterization results reveal that the copper species in the sample calcined at 500 ℃ mainly exist as highly dispersed CuO crystallites, which weakly interact with the support Al2O3 and the promoter CeO2. When the calcination temperature is elevated to 650 ℃, three kinds of copper species are detected, namely the small crystallites CuO, the amorphous CuO-CeO2 interacting phase and the Cu-Al surface spinel phase. At higher calcination temperature of 800 ℃, CeO2 is obviously sintered, and the interaction between copper species and Al2O3 is remarkably promoted, leading to the diffusion of partial octahedrally coordinated Cu2+ into tetrahedral sites. The results of the activity evaluation show that the catalyst calcined at 650 ℃ is the most active one for CO oxidation. In this catalyst, Cu and CeO2 effectively interact with each other, and a part of Cu2+ ions have diffused into the lattice of CeO2, leading to the lengthening of Cu-O bond and easier activation of it during the CO oxidation process by forming the -Cu2+-O-Ce4+- linkage. However, after calcination at 800 ℃, the interaction between Cu and Al2O3 is prominently enhanced, and most Cu species transform into bulk spinel phase, which possesses shorter Cu-O bond length than CuO and Cu-Ce interaction phases. Additionally, the CeO2 phase is seriously sintered at this temperature. All of these make the remarkable decrease of the oxidation activity of the catalyst.
Keywords: chemisorption-hydrolysis method  CuO/CeO2-Al2O3 catalysts  XANES  EXAFS  CO oxidation  structural characterization
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