Facile Synthesis of Crystalline Al13 Sulfates via Direct Mixing Route
张渊明 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
杨发达 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
唐渝 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
李红 暨南大学材料科学与工程系广州 510632 
摘要: 将一定量的Na2SO4溶液直接加入在60~80 ℃温度下预处理过的Al13溶液中,然后室温陈化12 h,可简便快速地制备具有四面体形貌和纤维状形貌的Al13基硫酸盐晶体。所得晶体的SEM和OS图显示:用本文报道的方法合成的四面体形貌的硫酸盐晶体尺寸大小在150~200 μm,而通过滴定方法的却只有15~25 μm;纤维状的硫酸盐晶体的长径尺度分别是>1 000 μm和0.5~1 μm。对四面体形貌的Al13<
关键词: Al13多聚阳离子  SEM  直接混合  四面体结晶
Abstract: Uniform tetrahedral and fiber-like crystalline sulfates of [AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)12]7+ polyoxocations were synthesized via a direct mixing and aging route. XRD patterns reveal that tetrahedral and fiber-like crystalline Al13 sulfates are cubic and monoclinic structure, respectively. SEM and Optical Scanning (OS) images show that the size of tetrahedral crystalline Al13 sulfates prepared via a direct mixing way is 150~200 μm, which is almost 10 times larger than that via traditional titration way (15~25 μm). The size of the fiber-like crystalline Al13 sulfates is 0.5~1 μm in diameter and up to 1 000 μm in length. A possible crystal growth mechanism for the tetrahedral crystalline Al13 sulfates is discussed.
Keywords: Al13 polyoxocations  SEM  direct mixing route  tetrahedral crystalline
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