Luminescence Characteristics of (Y, Gd)VO4∶Eu3+ under UV-VUV Excitation
王斌 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院材料科学系兰州 730000 
王育华 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院材料科学系兰州 730000 
左银燕 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院材料科学系兰州 730000 
摘要: 用高温固相法合成了Y1-xGdxVO4∶Eu3+(0≤x≤1)系列单相样品并研究了其发光特性。在254 nm激发下,观察到最大强度位于619 nm的红色发射峰且其强度在Y/Gd=0.4/0.6时达到最大。在147 nm激发下的发射峰与紫外下的一致,发射强度也是在Y/Gd=0.4/0.6时达到最大,大约是商用(Y,Gd)BO3∶Eu3+
关键词: UV/VUV  (Y,Gd)VO4∶Eu3+  phosphors
Abstract: Series of single-phase Y1-xGdxVO4∶Eu3+ (0≤x≤1) phosphors were synthesized by solid state reaction and their photo-luminescent properties under UV and VUV excitation were investigated. In emission spectra, the intense pure red emission at about 619 nm was observed both under 254 nm and 147 nm excitation and reached its optimal intensity when the ratio of Y/Gd was 0.4/0.6. The luminescent intensity of Y0.4Gd0.6VO4∶Eu3+ was about 65% compared with that of commercial available (Y, Gd)BO3∶Eu3+ under 147 nm excitation. The VUV excitation spectrum of Y0.4Gd0.6VO4∶Eu3+ monitored at 619 nm mainly consists of four band at the peaks of 158 nm, 204 nm, 247 nm and 300 nm, which are attributed to the host absorption and the charge transfer bands of Y3+, Gd3+, Eu3+ absorption. While (Y, Gd)BO3∶Eu3+ has centrosymmetric sites for the Eu3+ ions, the Eu3+ ions in (Y, Gd)VO4∶Eu3+ occupies the non-centrosymmetric sites. Thus, the (Y, Gd)VO4∶Eu3+ shows better color purity under VUV excitation. Their color coordinates were (0.632, 0.355), (0.672, 0.328), respectively.
Keywords: UV/VUV  (Y, Gd)VO4∶Eu3+  phosphors
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