Mechanochemical Synthesis of Superionic Conducting Materials
彭会芬 河北工业大学材料学院天津 300130 
范志新 河北工业大学理学院天津 300130 
梁艳峰 河北工业大学理学院天津 300130 
町田信也 甲南大学理工学部神户 658日本 
重松利彦 甲南大学理工学部神户 658日本 
摘要: 快离子导体是二次高能电池及其他全固体电化学器件研制与开发的重要材料,常规方法由于存在原材料选择受限以及原料对容器侵蚀等技术问题,致使一些高性能快离子导体的制备受到很大限制。为此,人们将目标转移到不需加热、在室温条件下即可实现这一材料制备的机械化学合成法。本文总结了近年来利用这种方法在制备快离子导体方面取得的一些最新研究成果。
关键词: 快离子导体  固体电解质  机械化学合成  高能球磨技术
Abstract: Superionic conductors are powerful materials for the fabrication of the secondary high-energy solid-state batteries and other solid-state electrochemical parts. However, there exist some problems in the preparation of those materials. Mechanochemical synthesis, i.e. the high-energy ball-milling process, has been paid more attention in order to simplify the process and to prepare the new high-conductivity materials. In this paper, researches on the application of mechanochemical synthesis to the preparation of superionic conductors are reviewed. We expect this process will play more and more important roles on the preparation of superionic conducting materials used for all solid-state batteries, electrochemical sensors and so on.
Keywords: superionic conductor  solid state electrolyte  mechanochemical synthesis  high-energy ball-milling process
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