Fresh MnO2: Properties and pH Effect on Arsenate Removal
梁慧锋 河北师范大学化学学院石家庄 050016
邢台学院生化系邢台 054001 
马子川 河北师范大学化学学院石家庄 050016 
刘占牛 邢台学院生化系邢台 054001 
关键词: 新生态MnO2  机理  表征  静电吸附  离子交换
Abstract: Fresh MnO2 was prepared by oxide reduction using KMnO4 and MnSO4. The structure and property of the products were characterized by TEM, SEM, XRD and BET, and the effect of pH value was studied on the removal of both As(Ⅴ) and As(Ⅲ). The results show that δ-MnO2 is spherical, its specific surface is 325 m2·g-1 with lots of hydroxyl on the surface. Adsorption of fresh MnO2 of As(Ⅲ) was a corporate action of both oxide reaction and electrostatic adsorption, but the adsorption of As(Ⅴ) was due to electrostatic and anion exchange adsorption.
Keywords: fresh MnO2  mechanism  characterization  electrostatic adsorption  ion exchange
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