Electrical Conductivity of SrCe0.95Er0.05O3-α Solid Electrolyte
康新华 苏州大学化学化工学院,苏州 215123 
于 玠 苏州大学化学化工学院,苏州 215123 
马桂林 苏州大学化学化工学院,苏州 215123 
关键词: SrCe0.95Er0.05O3-α  SrCeO3  钙钛矿型氧化物  质子导体  电导率
Abstract: SrCe0.95Er0.05O3-α ceramic of a single orthorhombic phase of perovskite-type SrCeO3 was prepared by high-temperature solid state reaction. Using the ceramic as solid electrolyte and porous platinum as electrodes, the measurements of conductivities and ionic transport numbers on SrCe0.95Er0.05O3-α ceramic were performed by using electrochemical methods in the temperature range of 600~1 000 ℃ in wet hydrogen, dry air and wet air, respectively. The results indicate that the sample is a pure protonic conductor with a maximal conductivity of 0.01 S·cm-1 in wet hydrogen, a mixed conductor of oxide-ion and hole in dry air, and a mixed conductor of proton, oxide-ion and hole in wet air.
Keywords: SrCe0.95Er0.05O3-α  SrCeO3  perovskite-type oxide  proton conductor  conductivity
摘要点击次数:  1214
全文下载次数:  1671
康新华,于 玠,马桂林.SrCe0.95Er0.05O3-α固体电解质的导电性[J].无机化学学报,2006,22(4):738-742.
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