Nanocrystalline ZnO Powders: Preparation and Photoluminescence Property
郭书霞 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
张兴堂 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
赵慧玲 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
李蕴才 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
黄亚彬 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
杜祖亮 河南大学特种功能材料重点实验室开封 475001 
关键词: ZnO纳米粒子  Sol-Gel  荧光
Abstract: Nanocrystalline ZnO Powders were prepared by sol-gel process from Zn(Ac)2·2H2O and 2-methoxyethanol solutions containing monoethanolamine. It was found that the photoluminescence (PL) spectra of samples (calcined at 250, 350 and 500 ℃, respectively) had two emission bands in UV region (at ~378 nm) and visible region (at ~502 nm) . The intensity of UV emission bands decreased with the increase of the calcination temperature, and the opposite was true for the visible emission band. TEM, TG-DTG, DTA, XRD, FTIR and surface photovoltage spectra (SPS) were used to investigate this competitive phenomenon. The results indicate that the adsorption of organies on the surface of nanoparticles is the key factor responsible for the relative PL intensity of the two emission bands.
Keywords: ZnO Nanopowders  Sol-Gel  photoluminescence
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