Hybrid Materials of Fullerene In Situ Decorating Copper Clusters Prepared Successively by Pulsed Laser Ablation
肖旺钏 福建师范大学化学与材料学院高分子研究所福州 350007 
章文贡 福建师范大学化学与材料学院高分子研究所福州 350007 
摘要: 采用脉冲激光轰击浸于流动C60 /正己烷溶液中的铜靶,获得表面为C60修饰的铜团簇(Cu-C60)。UV-Vis发现(Cu-C60)/正已烷溶胶中C60的特征吸收峰值下降,在195~240 nm之间出现了增强的铜溶胶特征吸收带;荧光光谱表明C60增强了铜溶胶的荧光强度,意味着C60修饰铜团簇使其表面电子浓度增加或离域范围扩大;TG-DSC分析表明样品在50~1 000 ℃之间的5个失重区和1个增重区中,680~960 ℃区间的失重对应于C60失重;XRD结果显示样品呈衍射峰峰值变小、峰宽变大的典型纳米铜特征,其表面修饰物为非晶态;元素分析得样品中Cu、C和H质量分数分别为64.82%、31.44%和1.60%,此外还有少量O和N,表明其中主要是C60修饰的铜团簇;VSM的M-T曲线显示样品在203 K处有一居里转变点,表明采用PLA/ISFL方法, 在具有高温、高压和超高速剧冷微区的特殊条件下C60对铜团簇的修饰对(Cu-C60)杂化材料的磁学特性有明显的影响。
关键词: 富勒烯C60  铜团簇  脉冲激光  杂化  表面修饰
Abstract: Hybrid Materials by C60 decorating surface of copper clusters was prepared through pulsed laser ablation at the interface between copper solid target and a flowing fullerene solution of hexane. UV-Vis shows that the feature absorption intensity of C60 in the copper-fullerene-hexane sol decreases, while the absorption band of copper-cluster sol from 190 nm to 240 nm increases. The increase in fluorescence intensity of copper clusters indicates the introduction of C60, showing that surface of copper clusters decorated by C60 results in the increase in electron concentration or the extension of the delocalization range. TG-DSC results show that the solid sample have five weight loss phase and one weight gain phase between 50~1 000 ℃, in which the weight loss phase between 680~960 ℃ corresponds to loss of C60; XRD results reveals that the diffraction peaks of the sample have lower value and broader width than Copper powder, indicating that surface of copper clusters is decorated by amorphous material. Weight ratio of Cu∶C∶H determined by elemental analysis is 64.82∶31.44∶1.60, and contents of O and N are few, suggesting that surface of copper clusters is decorated mostly by C60. Magnetism tested by VSM indicates that the sample has one Curie point at 203 K, suggesting that high temperature, high pressure and very rapidly cooled microarea in the method of PLA/ISFL are of importance in affecting the magnetic property of the hybrid material.
Keywords: fullerene[60]  copper clusters  pulsed laser ablation  hybrid  surface modification
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