Determination of Enthalpy Change of Reaction of Formation, Molar Heat Capacity and Constant-Volume Combustion Energy of the Ternary Solid Complex Lu(Et2dtc)3(phen)
葛红光 西北大学化学系/陕西省物理无机化学重点实验室西安 710069
陕西理工学院化学系汉中 723001 
陈三平 西北大学化学系/陕西省物理无机化学重点实验室西安 710069 
谢钢 西北大学化学系/陕西省物理无机化学重点实验室西安 710069 
扬旭武 西北大学化学系/陕西省物理无机化学重点实验室西安 710069 
高胜利 西北大学化学系/陕西省物理无机化学重点实验室西安 710069 
史启祯 西北大学化学系/陕西省物理无机化学重点实验室西安 710069 
关键词: Lu(Et2dtc)3(phen)  生成反应焓变  热容  恒容燃烧能
Abstract: A ternary solid complex Lu(Et2dtc)3(phen) has been obtained from the reaction of hydrated lutetium chloride with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaEt2dtc), and 1,10-phenanthroline (o-phen·H2O) in absolute ethanol. IR spectrum of the complex indicates that Lu3+ binds with sulfur atom in the Na(Et2dtc)3 and nitrogen atom in the o-phen. The enthalpy change of liquid-phase reaction of formation of the complex, ΔrHmӨ (l), was determined to be (-32.821 ± 0.147 ) kJ·mol-1 at 298.15 K by an RD-496 Ⅲ type heat conduction microcalormeter. The enthalpy change of the solid-phase reaction of formation of the complex, ΔrHmӨ (s), was calculated to be (104.160 ± 0.168) kJ · mol-1 on the basis of an appropriate thermochemistry cycle. The thermodynamics of liquid-phase reaction of formation of the complex was investigated by changing the temperature of liquid-phase reaction. Fundamental parameters, such as the activation enthalpy (ΔHӨ), the activation entropy (ΔSӨ), the activation free energy (ΔGӨ), the apparent reaction rate constant (k), the apparent activation energy (E), the pre-exponential constant (A) and the reaction order (n), were obtained by combination the reaction thermodynamic and kinetic equations with the data of thermokinetic experiments. The molar heat capacity of the complex, cm, was determined to be (82.23 ± 1.47) J·mol-1·K-1 by the same microcalormeter. The constant-volume combustion energy of the complex, ΔcU, was determined as (-17 898.228 ± 8.59) kJ·mol-1 by an RBC-Ⅱtype rotating-bomb calorimeter at 298.15 K. Its standard enthalpy of combustion, ΔcHmӨ, and standard enthalpy of formation, ΔfHmӨ, were calculated to be (-17 917.43 ± 8.11) kJ·mol-1 and (-859.95 ±10.12) kJ·mol-1, respectively.
Keywords: Lu(Et2dtc)3(phen)  enthalpy change of reaction of formation  heat capacity constant-volume combustion energy
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