New Characterization Method on Denaturation of DNA Induced by Cr(VI)-GSH Complexes
杨培慧 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所合肥 230031
暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
张文豪 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
赵秋香 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
蔡继业 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
摘要: 本文采用电化学方法对铬(VI)-谷胱甘肽(GSH)配合物诱导DNA变性进行表征,同时运用原子力显微镜(AFM)对DNA损伤变性过程进行可视化探测。结果表明:在pH=5.6的HAc-NaAc缓冲溶液中,DNA溶液中加入Cr(VI)-GSH配合物后进行循环伏安扫描,+0.20 V和0.00 V(vs SCE)处出现一对新的氧化还原峰,该氧化还原峰随Cr(VI)-GSH配合物浓度增加峰电流上升。DNA热变性和表面活性剂SDS变性实验进一步证明了该峰为DNA变性后的氧化还原峰,且变性DNA的峰信号在修饰电极上比裸金电极上更为灵敏。电化学动力学表明在30 min内配合物诱导DNA变性的程度随时间的上升而增加,并通过AFM观察了配合物作用下DNA断链的过程。
关键词: 重铬酸钾  谷胱甘肽  电化学  DNA  AFM
Abstract: The damages of DNA induced by Cr(VI)-GSH complexes were characterized by electrochemistry, absorption spectra, and AFM imaging. The redox peaks of denatured DNA appeared at potentials of about +0.20 V and 0.00 V in HAc-NaAc buffer solution (pH 5.6) when adding Cr(VI)-GSH complexes to the DNA solution. Moreover, the peaks current increased with the concentration of Cr(VI)-GSH complexes and incubation time. The results showed that the Cr(VI)-GSH complexes resulted in the denaturation of DNA. The heating and SDS denaturation further confirmed the DNA denaturation induced by the Cr(VI)-GSH complexes. AFM imaging was used to illustrate the cleavage process of DNA.
Keywords: potassium dichromate  glutathione  electrochemistry  DNA  AFM
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