Tailed Tyrosine-linked Zn Porphyrin: Synthesis, Nonlinear Optical and Thermodynamic Properties
罗代兵 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
刘美 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
王树军 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
阮文娟 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
章应辉 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
朱志昂 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
刘智波 南开大学泰达应用物理学院天津 300071 
田建国 南开大学泰达应用物理学院天津 300071 
摘要: 报道了一种新型尾式酪氨酸锌卟啉(p-(L-Tyr)NC2H4OTPPZn)的合成及表征,围绕该化合物进行了非线性光学及热力学性质研究。样品在激光作用下,在一定波长范围内显示出了非常强烈的反饱和吸收行为。对该化合物与3对氨基酸甲酯客体的轴向配位热力学性质作了研究,从热力学数据和圆二色光谱探讨了与不同客体配位能力的差异。
关键词: 尾式酪氨酸锌卟啉  合成  非线性光学  反饱和吸收  轴向配位  热力学
Abstract: A new kind of tailed Zn porphyrin modified by L-tyrosine(p-(L-Tyr)NC2H4OTPPZn) was synthesized and characterized by 1H NMR, elementary analysis, ultraviolet and visible spectra etc. The nonlinear optical property of p-(L-Tyr)NC2H4OTPPZn was studied by Z-scan experiment. Using ns-laser pulse, reverse saturable absorption of the compound is observed. This material has good optical limiting property. The thermodynamic of the axial coordination between this compound and three pairs of amino acid esters were investigated by UV-Vis and CD methods.
Keywords: Tailed Tyrosine-linked Zn porphyrin  synthesis  nonlinear optical property  reverse saturable absorption  axial coordination  thermodynamics
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