Study of Spin-allowed and Spin-forbidden for 4fN-15d Configurations
师进生 莱阳农学院,青岛 266109 
曲郸 莱阳农学院,青岛 266109 
张思远 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所长春 130022 
摘要: 通过稀土光谱理论,计算了三价稀土离子的4fN-15d组态能级的f与d电子间的库仑相互作用,结果表明对于重稀土元素,其自旋允许跃迁能级位置高于自旋禁戒跃迁能级位置,并且两种能级间的能级差随f电子数的增加而依次减小。对于轻稀土元素,则自旋禁戒跃迁能级位置高于自旋允许跃迁能级位置。结果很好地解释了自旋禁戒跃迁能级的光谱现象。
关键词: 稀土离子  自旋禁戒跃迁带  5d能级  库仑作用
Abstract: By using the rare-earth spectroscopy theory, the coulomb interactions between f electrons and d electron of 4fN-15d configurations of rare earth are calculated. It is found that the energy of spin-allowed levels is higher than that of spin-forbidden levels for heavy lanthanide ions(N>7), and the energy difference between the spin-allowed and the spin-forbidden levels decreases with the increase in N. A contrary case is obtained for the light lanthanides. All results can be used to explain the spin-forbidden levels in spectra.
Keywords: rare-earth ions  spin-forbidden band  5d-levels  the coulomb interaction
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