Template Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Macrocyclic Cu(II) and Ni(II) Complexes
姜隆 中山大学化学与化工学院中山大学测试中心广州 510275 
卢文贯 韶关学院化学系韶关 512005 
冯小龙 中山大学化学与化工学院中山大学测试中心广州 510275 
向华 中山大学化学与化工学院中山大学测试中心广州 510275 
鲁统部 中山大学化学与化工学院中山大学测试中心广州 510275 
摘要: 用模板法合成了1个大环金属铜(II)配合物[CuLCl2]·3H2O (1)和3个大环金属镍(II)配合物[NiLCl2] (2),[NiL](ClO4)2 (3)和[NiLH2](ClO4)4 (4)(L=3,10-二乙基-1,3,5,8,10,12-六氮杂十四烷),通过X-射线衍射单晶结构分析测定了它们的晶体结构。晶体结构显示:配合物12的金属离子与大环配体的4个氮原子及大环平面轴向的2个氯离子以八面体配位方式配位;配合物34的金属离子与大环配体的4个氮原子以平面正方形配位方式配位,配合物4的侧链氮原子的质子化导致侧链结构翻转,使得其侧链与大环平面共面。
关键词: 大环铜(II)配合物  大环镍(II)配合物  晶体结构
Abstract: One macrocyclic Cu(II) complex of [CuLCl2]·3H2O (1) and three macrocyclic Ni(II) complexes of [NiLCl2] (2), [NiL](ClO4)2 (3), [NiLH2](ClO4)4 (4) (L=3,10-bis(2-ethyl)-1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12-hexaazacyclotetradecane) have been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction single crystal structural analysis. Each metal ion in 1 and 2 is six-coordinated with four macrocyclic nitrogen atoms in the equatorial plane and two chloride anions in axial positions. Each nickel ion in 3 and 4 is planar four-coordinated with four macrocyclic nitrogen atoms. The orientations of ethyl pendant groups in 4 are different from those in 1~3 due to the protonation of the two tertiary amines in 4. CCDC: 289431, 1; 289432, 2; 289433, 3; 289434, 4.
Keywords: macrocyclic Cu(II) complex  macrocyclic Ni(II) complexes  crystal structures
摘要点击次数:  1889
全文下载次数:  2010
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