Synthesis of Mullite Nanobelts Using Sol-gel Method
孔德强 河南省新型建材工程研究中心郑州 450002 
袁运法 河南省新型建材工程研究中心郑州 450002 
白召军 河南省新型建材工程研究中心郑州 450002 
张冰 河南省新型建材工程研究中心郑州 450002
河南省科学院郑州 450002 
陈荣峰 河南省科学院郑州 450002 
关键词: 莫来石  纳米带  溶胶凝胶法
Abstract: Single-crystal mullite nanobelts were prepared by a simple sol-gel method using WO3 as additive, and nanobelts were straight and uniform with width of 200 nm and length of 3~4 μm. The as-prepared products were characterized with XRD, SEM and TEM and the nanobelt formation mechanism was also discussed. The interphase of aluminium tungstate acted as seed crystals or epitaxial templates during the formation of nanobelts. The further experiments showed that there was a strong correlation between the formation of nanobelts and the presence of WO3.
Keywords: mullite  nanobelt  sol-gel method
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