Preparation of BaTiO3 Spherical Nanoparticles by Reverse Microemulsion
宋方平 湘潭大学化学学院湘潭 411105 
朱启安 湘潭大学化学学院湘潭 411105 
王树峰 湘潭大学化学学院湘潭 411105 
陈万平 湘潭大学化学学院湘潭 411105 
关键词: W/O微乳液  球形粒子  钛酸钡  纳米颗粒
Abstract: Nanosized BaTiO3 spherical particles were synthesized in reverse microemulsion consisting of water, Triton-10, n-hexanol and cyclohexane. The reaction conditions were optimized on the basis of the study of the influence of the molar ratio of water to surfactant, the concentration of reactants and ageing time on the shape and size of BaTiO3 particles. The prepared BaTiO3 samples were characterized by TEM and XRD. The results show that the spherical BaTiO3 nanoparticles with an average size of 20~80 nm belong to single tetragonal system. The molar ratio of barium to titanium of products is 1.0 from ICP analysis.
Keywords: W/O microemulsion  spherical particle  barium titanate  nanoparticle
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