Cu/UDD Nanocomposite:Structure and Catalytic Performance for Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate
石晓琴 南京理工大学材料化学教研室南京 210094 
江晓红 南京理工大学材料化学教研室南京 210094 
陆路德 南京理工大学材料化学教研室南京 210094 
杨绪杰 南京理工大学材料化学教研室南京 210094 
汪信 南京理工大学材料化学教研室南京 210094 
Vasilii A Struk 格罗德拉国立大学材料与资源保护研究所格罗德拉 230023,白俄罗斯 
关键词: 纳米铜  纳米金刚石  高氯酸铵  催化
Abstract: Nano-Copper and Cu/UDD (ultradispersed diamond) nanocomposites were separately prepared by reduction of CuCl2 aqueous solution and that doped with 0.7%(weight percent) of ultra-dispersed diamond. The as prepared nano-crystals were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and electron paramagnetic resonance techniques (EPR). It was found that homogeneous nucleation dominated the aqueous reduction reaction at high concentration and the diameter of nano-copper decreased as the reaction time shortened, yet at lower concentration heterogeneous nucleation predominated and the doped UDD functioned as heterogeneous nucleation. Otherwise large number of free-radicals existed in the nano-composites. Both of nano-copper and Cu/UDD nanocomposites were strong catalysts for AP decomposition, with Cu/UDD being a more effective one. The higher decomposition temperature for AP was 119 ℃ lower than that without catalyst. And the exothermic quantity of decomposition was from 590 J·g-1 to 1 400 J·g-1 by mix 2% of the Cu/UDD nanocomposites.
Keywords: nano-copper  Cu/UDD nanocomposites  ammonium perchlorate  catalysis
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石晓琴,江晓红,陆路德,杨绪杰,汪信,Vasilii A Struk.铜/纳米金刚石复合物的结构及其对高氯酸铵热分解的催化作用[J].无机化学学报,2006,22(2):316-320.
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