Fluorescence-XAFS Characterization on the Small Amount of Platinum in Pt/BaAl2O4-Al2O3 Catalysts
孟明 天津大学化工学院催化科学与工程系天津 300072 
张忠和 天津大学化工学院催化科学与工程系天津 300072 
罗金勇 天津大学化工学院催化科学与工程系天津 300072 
林培琰 中国科学技术大学化学物理系合肥 230026 
伏义路 中国科学技术大学化学物理系合肥 230026 
关键词: Pt/BaAl2O4-Al2O3催化剂  氮氧化物储存  XAFS
Abstract: The support BaAl2O4-Al2O3 and the catalysts Pt/BaAl2O4-Al2O3 were prepared by co-precipitation and impregnation method, respectively. The NOx storage capacities (NSC) of the samples were investigated. The fluorescence-XAFS technique was employed to characterize the fine structures of the small amount of platinum. The results show that after calcination in air, the platinum mainly exists as chloride, and the rest is in the form of oxychloride, however, after reduction by H2, the most platinum species transform into highly dispersed metallic crystallite (2~3 nm) with a very small residual amount of chloride. After aging treatment, a small part of platinum in the reduced sample is oxidized into oxide. Combined with the results of the NOx storage capacities, it is indicated that for NOx storage, highly dispersed metallic platinum crystallites are the most active phase, while the chloride species of platinum have much weaker effect on NOx storage. The growth of Pt crystallite size and the partial oxidation of metallic Pt are the main reasons for the decrease of NOx storage capacity of the aged sample.
Keywords: Pt/BaAl2O4-Al2O3 catalyst  NOx storage  XAFS
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