Preparation and Characterization of Oriented MxWO3·xH2O Crystallite with Different Morphologies
徐英明 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料实验室哈尔滨 150080 
霍丽华 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料实验室哈尔滨 150080 
程晓丽 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料实验室哈尔滨 150080 
赵辉 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料实验室哈尔滨 150080 
高山 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料实验室哈尔滨 150080 
赵经贵 黑龙江大学化学化工与材料学院功能材料实验室哈尔滨 150080 
摘要: 采用沉淀结合渗析的方法,以钨酸钠、钨酸铵为原料,制备了不同形貌、具有择优取向的MxWO3·xH2O(M=Na+,NH4+,x<1)粉晶,利用SEM、XRD、TG、IR、XPS等手段对粉体进行表征,考察了不同渗析时间和焙烧温度对粉晶形貌、晶化程度及结构转变的影响。结果表明,长时间渗析后粉体的晶化程度明显提高,并沿(010)晶面方向择优生长,形貌由不规则形变为梭形和蝴蝶形。经空气气氛400 ℃焙烧后,NaxWO3·xH2O和(NH4)xWO3·xH2O粉晶均转变为沿(200)晶面方向择优生长的立方青铜相,且形貌也发生改变。
关键词: MxWO3·xH2O  形貌  择优取向
Abstract: MxWO3·xH2O crystallite with different morphologies and preferential orientation was obtained using Na2WO4·2H2O and (NH4)10W12O41 as the starting materials by precipitation and dialysis methods. The effects of dialyzing time and sintering temperature on morphologies, crystallinity and structure of the powders were investigated by SEM, XRD, TG, IR and XPS technology. The results show that the crystallite has good crystallinity with preferential orientation along (010) plane and the morphology changes from irregularity to shuttle plate or butterfly shape during long dialyzing time. The cubic tungsten bronzes with (200) preferential orientation were formed when both products were sintered at 400 ℃ in air for 4 h. And the morphologies changed to quasi-spherical shape and partial particles destroyed after NaxWO3·xH2O and (NH4)xWO3·xH2O being sintered, respectively
Keywords: MxWO3·xH2O  morphology  preferential orientation
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