Monodispersed Silica Composite Spheres Doped with Silver Nanoparticles
齐朔 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100101
哈尔滨工程大学材料系哈尔滨 150001 
陈东 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100101 
唐芳琼 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100101 
任湘菱 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100101 
谢辅洲 哈尔滨工程大学材料系哈尔滨 150001 
关键词:   二氧化硅  掺杂  纳米复合颗粒
Abstract: A novel method was developed to fabricate monodispersed nanocomposite SiO2 sphere (200~400 nm) containing homogeneously dispersed Ag nanoparticles (2~6 nm). The morphology of inclusion was controlled through the N-[3-(Trimethoxysilyl)Propyl]ethylene diamine. TEM images showed that the silver nanoparticles were doped uniformly in silica spheres. UV-Vis showed that the doped silver nanoparticles have a plasmon resonance absorption band at 433 nm. Also SEM, EDX, XRD analyses were conducted to characterize thus-prepared samples.
Keywords: silver  silica  doping  nanocomposite particles
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