A Molecular Bowl with Barium Ion As Bottom
赵云洁 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
薛赛凤 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
祝黔江 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
张云黔 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
陶朱 贵州大学应用化学研究所贵阳 550025 
魏赞斌 厦门大学化学系厦门 361005 
龙腊生 厦门大学化学系厦门 361005 
关键词: 钡离子  十甲基五元瓜环  分子碗  晶体结构
Abstract: A molecular bowl with barium ion covering one portal of decamethylcucurbit[5]uril as a ‘metal-ion-bottom’ has been synthesized. The structure of the molecular bowl has been confirmed by the single crystal X-ray diffraction determination. It belongs to orthorhombic with space group of Pna21. The crystal unit cell parameters are: a=3.210 8(6) nm, b=1.474 2(3) nm, c=1.151 6(2) nm, and V=5.450 9(18) nm3, Dc=1.677 Mg·m-3, Z=4, F(000)=2 832, R=0.055 1, wR=0.156 8. CCDC: 290552.
Keywords: barium iron  decamethylcucurbit[5]uril  molecular bowl  crystal structure
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