The Effects of pH and Metal Ions on the Secondary Structure of Anticogulation Factor Ⅱ Studed by CD Spectroscopy
陈结霞 中国科学技术大学化学系合肥 230026 
徐小龙 中国科学技术大学化学系合肥 230026 
刘祥虎 中国科学技术大学化学系合肥 230026 
刘清亮 中国科学技术大学化学系合肥 230026 
摘要: 圆二色谱(CD谱)测量表明,尖吻蝮蛇抗凝血因子Ⅱ(ACF Ⅱ)与抗凝血因子Ⅰ(ACF Ⅰ)的二级结构十分相似,它们的主要骨架构象都为反平行β-折叠和α-螺旋结构。pH值对天然ACF Ⅱ的构象有一定的影响,pH值从3到10增大时,α-螺旋含量逐渐减少,反平行β-折叠含量逐渐增大。钙和其他二价金属离子对ACF Ⅱ的骨架结构没有明显影响。三价稀土离子使ACF Ⅱ的α-螺旋含量升高,同时降低其β-转角和β-折叠的含量。
关键词: 抗凝血因子Ⅱ  酸度(pH)  二级结构  圆二色谱
Abstract: Anticoagulation factors holo-ACF Ⅱ and holo-ACF I have similar secondary structures and their main backbone conformations are anti-parallel β-sheet and α-helix determined by CD spectra. The contents of anti-parallel β-sheet and α-helix are 26.2%, 13.7% for holo-ACF Ⅱ, respectively. When pH value increases, the content of α-helix of ACF Ⅱ decreases, while the contents of anti-parallel β-sheet increases. No apparent effects of Ca2+, Sr2+, Mg2+ and transition metal ions (Zn2+, Mn2+ and Co2+) on conformations of the backbone of ACF Ⅱ are observed. The substitution of lanthanide ions for Ca2+ in ACF Ⅱ increases the content of α-helix, but decreases the content of β-sheet.
Keywords: anticoagulation factor Ⅱ  pH  secondary structure  CD spectra
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