Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Spectrum Characterization of [Na(DB18C6)(CH3CN)]2Mo6O19
萨如拉 首都师范大学化学系北京 100037 
鲁晓明 首都师范大学化学系北京 100037 
刘波 首都师范大学化学系北京 100037 
王京 中国石油化工科学院北京 100083 
关键词: 冠醚  多酸  超分子化合物  晶体结构
Abstract: A novel super-molecular complex, [Na(DB18C6)(CH3CN)]2Mo6O19, was obtained by solvothermal reaction and characterized by elementary analysis, IR, 1H NMR, gumbc spectrum and X-Ray diffraction experiment. The compound crystallizes in monoclinic space group P21/n with a=1.187 1(3) nm, b=2.096 3(6) nm, c=1.415 8(4) nm, β=110.854(5)° and Z=4. The complex contains four basic units: Na+, CH3CN, DB18C6和Mo6O192-. Sodium ions located in the cavity of dibenzo-18-crown-6 with 6 Na-O bonds and the crown ether-sodium ion complex is supported on the terminal oxygen atoms of the typical Lindqvist isopolyanion Mo6O192- via the coordinative interactions. Mo6O192- located between two DB18C6 and led to the formation of the “hamburger” structure. The crystal is stabilized by van der waals force and interaction of π-π system. CCDC: 272936.
Keywords: crown ether  polyoxometalates  super-molecular compound  crystal structure
投稿时间:2005-04-18 修订日期:2005-07-07
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